Abc3mommy's Blog

A blog done by a crazy mom of three

I think it’s dead

Boys come in handy sometimes. I am so not a bug person, I am a girly girl after all. Yesterday we had a lovely, large stink bug on our window outside. AJ and Cam took care of that bug quite nicely for me though. They inspected it like any self respecting boy should then AJ proceed to beat it into oblivion with a butterfly net. I think it is a permanent fixture on the concrete of our patio. And just to make sure it was really good and dead Cam had to stomp on it half a dozen times yelling “yuck” while he jumped on top of it. I think it’s dead. I don’t know we might need to stomp and beat it a few more times. All bugs beware!

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Passive aggressive

One of my 3 year olds has taken to doing something really funny when he doesn’t like what is going on. The hubby and I think that this could be an awesome idea for us to use in our adult lives (hehe).






Note: He is not asleep. He has “passed out” because is mad about something. Genius! Can you imagine if I tried this at school? Student tries to tattle about something not serious? Pass out on floor. I can’t hear you! I don’t what this means for his future but right now all I can do is laugh and take blackmail pictures!

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